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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

July 25

Saturday we took our kids fishing . We had a great time . Lake levels are low here so we were able to park on part of the lake bed . We found some very interesting tracks . Fishing itself wasn't so hot . DS "T" caught a large mouth bass (about 1lb) and DH caught a turtle . It was just such a beautiful day . Everything seemed to be so vibrant and colorful . It was nice to relax as a family after VBS and stuff . Monday was our anniversary . DH brought me flowers and took me out for Chinese . It was very nice . He is a sweetie . LOVE YA HONEY !  Last night the kids and I watched the hummer feeder so we could get an upclose and personal look at those beauties . I recently moved my feeder to the front porch . We had two visitors last night and we actually got to hear one chirp . It was neat . They sound like a squeaky toy . Well for now I guess that's it . It's Church night so I gotta go . ~ Nikki

Friday, July 20, 2007

Free Bible Reseach Paper

I created this page for my Sunday School Class . You may be able to use it in your Bible Study for school . It works best if you are studying one book at a time . The first day the kids have to READ all the assigned Scripture for the week then every day you assign a certain Scripture that they have to STUDY , not just read . It worked great for my class . I required them to turn it in each week for points toward our Points Store .

EX . On Monday - read John 3 : 1-36

Tuesday : verses 1-8

Wednesday : verses 9-15

Thursday : verses 16-22

Friday : verses 23-30

Saturday : verses 31-36

Here is the form . You can preview it before you download .  Weekly Research Form

Thursday, July 19, 2007

More school supplies !

Last week I wents nuts getting school supplies at Staples' 1 cent sale . We bought pencil cases , pencils , glue , folders , 3 ring binders and pencil sharpeners . Imagine my joy when I checked online yesterday and they were having another sale ! YEAH ! So off we went to Staples again . This time they have notebook paper for 15 cents (limit 6) a pack of 4 glue sticks for 49 cents and the 3 ring ring binders (flexible) are stil 3/99 cents . Don't you just love these sales !?!  I know at some point and time Walmart will start having their school supplies sale . BRING IT ON !  I like to stock up on stuff while its cheap .

Ok one more ramble before I go

Before I rile all you Harry Potter fans out there just listen to my opinion : I don't like HP , never have , never will . I tried to read a paragraph once from a book my DD's friend had been given and it was scary how that book seemed to captivate me . No I didn't find it interesting , it was like I had to force myself to close that book . Very strange (call me wierd but it happened) . I have had a friend of mine tell me how some of her family members wouldn't put it down , they would even walk through the house reading it , they even spent a family get together reading it . Now  today while on , they have an advertisment to "take the pledge" not to reveal the ending of the lastbook . How stupid is that ? And strange ? The ad takes you to a webpage that you can "pledge" on . This Hp stuff just keeps getting wierder and wierder . Now before someone gets upset , know this : I am not going to get into a long debate , argument or whatnot over HP . To me it seems evil and that is that . My kids have never been allowed to read or watch HP and they have turned out to be normal (?) kids . LOVE YA KIDS LOL ! My opinon is mine and you are entitled to your own . My whole point is that I think this whole HP thing is getting stranger and stranger .

Sevier County , TN Residents (& Tax Free Sales Days)

I read yesterday that 11 million people pass through our area annually . WOW , no wonder traffic is so bad :) . Seriously though , it seems like with all the tourists that we have coming through our area , attraction prices keep going up . Its hard for homeschooling families with one income to visit these fun places (who doesn't love Sevier County Days ?) . I just wanted to share with some local families who might not know , that some area attractions have discounted rates for SC residents . I encourage you to call and ask . We used to take our kids to the Ripey's attractions (I have never seen a discounted rate for the aquarium except for SC Days) in Gatlinburg for a discounted price . Forbidden Caverns used to offer SC discounts too so check with them , that is an awesome place to visit . Some restaraunts offer SC discounts too like a certain percentage off your meal .  The Knifeworks on Hwy 66 is a great FREE option to everyone . Not only is it a place to buy knives , it also is a mini museum of sorts with lots of great displays so check it out

Don't forget about the Tax Free Days coming up August 3-5 . Check it out HERE .

 ~ Nikki

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Free Seeds - Purple Columbine

Hello everyone . Yesterday I did some seed harvesting in my flower bed . I have some seeds to share with you if you would like them . They are Purple Columbine (pic below) . I will send them to you free of charge . They will come in a small seed envelope because they are tiny seeds but there will be at least 10 seeds in each . If you would like some seeds email me , Be sure to replace the at with @ . Please put seeds in the subject line . First come first served .

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

For my 50th entry -Today on Africam

Wow ! Well I have reached the 50th entry ! So without further delay here is what I would like to share ....  Look what we watched this morning . Usually we only see it at night . ** OK , on 8-7-07 I deleted an entry about a mini unit study I made because you couldn't open the file but at the time this entry was posted it was indeed my 50th .**

Africam Today

Monday, July 9, 2007

Free Beatitudes Copywork Pages

Here are some free notebooking pages for you . They are Beatitudes copywork .

Set 1                              

Set 2

Our local Staples store is having a 1 cent sale thru Wednesday . You can get pencils , pencil cases , sharpeners and folders . You may want to check your local store .

UPDATE : 1-15-08 For some reason I missed the last comment on this post and didn't know about it til today (oops) , here is the link where you can download the Beatitude copywork pages . Sorry about that everyone . Click here to get to the pages : Notebooking Pages

Sunday, July 8, 2007

What a wonderful surprise today !

First , I would like to apologize to everyone who tried to download the unit study . I didn't realize til today that I had the folder set to private . You should be able to download it now . Today was Youth Sunday at our church and the kids did such a great job . I was so very proud of them . My husband and I work with the youth . I am co director of the youth group and my husband and I minister in the Junior Church . On to the wonderful surprise ... my oldest DS "T" has been learning to play guitar . He saved his birthday money and bought an electric one . He has learned so much so quickly . A friend of ours has been giving him lessons for free . How great is that ! Well anyway , he has been wanting an acoustic guitar . He plays my Dad's at church . At this evening's service he was given a beautiful acoustic guitar by a man at our church . He was speechless he was so surprised . God really blessed him today . I just thank God so much for not just supplying needs but even blessing us with things we want sometimes . Thanks God ! You are awesome !

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Another Great Find At The Dollar Tree

Yesterday I went back to the Dollar Tree and they had the Teacher Recordkeeper books for grades and attendance . I bought a couple . I like to have a written copy of records plus those on the computer . Homeschool Tracker  is a great recordkeeper for the computer . Has anyone purchased the Plus edition Homeschool tracker ? If so , is it more useful for you or do you think the basic edition does enough ?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy July 4 !

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful 4th . We finished our VBS last week and it was hectic .So today since my DH is off we are going to spend the day relaxing except for the hour that I tutor my neighbors grandson . After church tonight we are going to my Dad's for fireworks . My Mom and Dad's neighborhood is the best place for fireworks . It is beautiful around 10 when all the neighbors are putting on their displays . Amazing ! I gave up going to Pigeon Forge a few years ago . Their firework display wasnt all that hot . Not impressive enough to want to fight hours worth of traffic . Anyway , you can see them from my parents house . Happy Independence Day

And remember the most important thing :


John 8:36

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.



Monday, July 2, 2007

Free July 4 Coloring Sheets and Printables From The Web

Here is a list of some neat places I found for July  4 .

Eclectic Education (Wonderful unit study)

Kids Domain

A Kids Heart

The Homeschool Mom


New Printables For July 4 , FREE !

Here are some new printables I made for notebooking . I hope you find them useful .


Liberty Bell Facts Notebooking Page

Liberty Bell Notebooking Page

July 4 Notebooking Page

Flag Facts Notebooking Page


Teacher Lesson Plan Book

Hey everyone . I just thought I would let you know that our local Dollar Tree has Teacher Lesson Plan books . So you may want to check your local store . I bought a couple . I also purchased some great maps and poster copies of the Declaration of Independence and other great stuff a few weeks ago . We got maps of all the continents . So check out your store for some great deals . ~ Nikki