Good morning everyone ! . I hope everyone is having a great Sunday morning . My oldest DS and youngest DD are sick this weekend with another viral bug . High fever and the yuckies - YUCK ! Well it is that time of year I guess . I have a question for all you homeschool Mommas out there . When I was in school we used to gather leaves and press them between wax paper with an iron but I read recently that someone used laminating paper too . My question is , What method have you used and which one do you think works best ? I plan on doing this with the kids this week when everyone feels better . Thanks for the input . Don't forget to join the Autumn Poetry Party I'm hosting .
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Autumn Poetry Party
Monday, October 22, 2007
My Pencil Story
One of my favorite pencils is one that had an eraser at both ends . It said "Life without Jesus is like this pencil . It has no point ." Neither does this blog entry but it is a true story of me and my ongoing battle with pencils .
1. Pencils come in all shapes and sizes . Your children will all want different kinds therefore you will have to buy 4 packs instead of one .
2. Pencils come nicely decorated for each season of the year . Unfortunately these go on sale months before you actually need them (ex. Christmas pencils go on sale on July 4) , forcing you to buy them and hide them til the correct holiday at which point you either forgot you bought them or lose them . This of course will begin a massive pencil hunt in which you will not find the Christmas ones you are looking for , although you will find the Easter ones you forgot you bought .
3. Pencils have a habit of disappearing from Mom's supply box . Naughty pencils ! Even though Mom checked her box on Sunday night and it was full , by 8 a.m. Monday morning the pencils will have disappeared and Mom will hear a rousing chorus of "I don't have anything to write with !"
4. Mechanical pencils are great ! Until you find out you are out of lead or you have the wrong size . It is a proven fact (by me) that you will buy a # 7 pencil knowing without a doubt that you have 3 new packs of lead at home only to get there and find out it's all # 5 .(Or vice versa .) Or what's worse you will mistakenly pick up a pack of # 9 pencils believing you are reaching for a # 5 or # 7 . When you go back to town to buy lead for these new pencils you will find out noone within a 50 mile radius of where you live actually sells # 9 lead refills .
5. Wooden pencils and pencil sharpeners are highly addictive . They will cause your child to lose all sense of reason (and all desire to do math) until he/she has taken a new pencil to a length of 1.4 "
Read more pencil stories or post one of your own . More info here .
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hello everyone ! I hope that everyone is doing well . We were sick all last week with a terrible stomach flu . After the actual sickness passed we were left with mind numbing exhaustion . But Praise the Lord that is over ! I dressed up the blog for Fall which is my favorite time of year .Does it look ok ? We have news from the pet world :) . My youngest son's guppy is expecting and we are excited . He is thinking about breeding and selling them or trading them to the pet store . My youngest daughter came into the kitchen the other night crying and told me she thought Dry Crabby was dead (her hermit crab) , my heart broke for her . My oldest DD and I thought that she was molting because she stopped eating and buried herself partially in the sand several weeks ago . Anyway Lil DD and I go to her room and there is Dry Crabby out of her shell , or so one would think but I turned her shell over and she was curled up inside with her new shiny pinkish , purple claw covering the "door" . Immediately there were smiles instead of tears . Lil DD was so excited . I was too of course , this is Dry Crabby's second time molting this year . Her old exoskeleton is nasty looking of course but very beneficial to her so we left it in the tank . My oldest DS is doing great with his guitar . He plays with the church band now and loves it . I was blessed by my oldest DD with the Nice Award the other day . Thanks Baby Girl ! I am supposed to pass it on of course . So I'm out of here to go check out my friends list and read and comment and hand out the Nice Award . I think everyone deserves it because you are nice enough to come here and share your experiences , ideas , tips and humor and I appreciate that .
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Solar System Unit Study
I just thought I would share with everyone the links I have been using with our Solar System unit . There are tons of great books out there to use but what I will list here are the informative websites and free notebooking and lapbooking websites . For this unit the kids are keeping the planet fact sheets in their notebooks for reference but our big project is actually a big lapbook we are working on together . I bought a presentation board at the $ Tree , it is folded just like a big lapbook , and we have been using coloring sheets of the planets to color and cut and paste in the lapbook . I bought some half size index cards at Big Lots that we put the planet facts on and paste it next to the picture . We also use our encylopedias to gather facts about the Roman gods that the planets are named after ( this has turned out to be a great way to have extra Bible time too ) and paste these on the lapbook too . I wish I could post a picture but my digital camera is broken . Anyway here are the links . I hope you can use them . As always be discerning in what you choose to use for your homeschool . Some of these have some great stuff and other stuff you may not want to use .
The Learning Page - you have to become a member to access most of the themed pages but it is free . Once you join you will find the Space worksheets under the members themed sheets . - a couple of free sheets
eMints - A wealth of different themes , be sure to take a few minutes and check it out . There are several links for the Solar System . - free notebooking pages
Exploring Planets In The Classroom - lots of stuff to sort through