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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Time Nature Study Idea

A quaint little nest made with twigs, moss and carpet fiber.
Spring time is here and with it comes warm temps, sunshine, flowers and of course, birds. Birdwatching and feeding are excellent ways to spend some time doing Spring nature studies. Bird feeders and even birdhouses can often be made for free with items around your house or for a low cost. Here are some pictures of some of our yard guests over the years.
How many worms can one robin bill hold anyway?

Nesters in our basketball goal pole
Are you interested in feeding the birds? Most "feeder" birds prefer black oil sunflower seeds although they will eat others. Some birds love fruit too.Popcorn and peanuts are always a hit with our blue jays. here are some neat feeder ideas.
1.pine cone smeared in peanut butter and rolled in birdseed. Tie a string around it and hang .
2.old baking pans or cookie sheets. Fill with seed and place on the ground,an old tree stump or mount on a wooden post .
There are tons of great sites online with FREE bird feeder plans. Here are just a few. They range from the simple to WOW :)
And how about if you want to host a family of birds? Well check out these links (and search online for more) to find great ideas and plans for making birdhouses.
 And for those who like to notebook their studies:
I hope you enjoy these links and the birds :) Blessings! ~ Nikki