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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nature Walks

With Fall all nice and settled in here in the Smokies, it is the perfect time for a nature walk. Roosie and I went last week and then BabyGirl went with us this week. We got some lovely pics that I wanted to share. I wish that we had been able to get a picture of our deer we came across but they moved too fast for us. We have a small herd that moves through our neighborhood every day. Sometimes I have to wait for one to move out of the driveway so I can head out to school. I hope you enjoy the pictures! They are not great because I took them with my phone but hopefully you will like them. Be sure to get out there and take a walk too! Blessing ~ Nikki
Who tree! This tree has an odd shape that you can't really see until all the leaves are gone. It reminds us of a Who tree from Whoville. It is one of our favorite trees. Usually in the Fall it is a very deep red but the other day it was more orange.   
Here it is from another angle with some awesome cloud cover behind it :)
The woods a week earlier.
A friendly slug
A baby "woolly booger" or woolly bear. he was only about an inch long.
Late purple aster
Heath asters
We also saw 2 deer, a chipmunk, a towhee, a Carolina wren, chipping sparrows and honeysuckle berries.