A memory assailed me today that left a huge smile on my face .It was a memory of a shopping trip with my Mom , whom by the way is a wonderful woman . My Mom is in her mid fifties and thin except for a little tummy that comes with middle age . I on the other hand have left the days of thinness far behind (although I have lost weight but that’s another story ). My Mom and I are thrift store junkies . There is in our genes some malformation of our DNA that prohibits us from passing up a thrift store . We have the grandest time digging up treasure in these islands of unwanted stuff . We get excited over such wonderful finds as old books , antiques and tattered old quilts (my fave) . Many a treasure has found its way into our car .It was one such shopping trip where I learned that my Mom is not only smart and beautiful with the singing voice of an angel but she is also very optimistic . She can take the worst of situations and this case compliments and see the good and funny side of them . We were having a wonderful time at a little out of the way thrift store one day . We had once again found some wonderful treasure . When we went to check out the cashier (actually a young lady) looks at my Mom and gushes out “Oh , when are you due ?” My Mom looks at me with raised eyebrows and I try so hard not to giggle (really , I tried !). She looks at the lady and says “ I’m not pregnant , just pudgy “ That poor girl's eyes bugged out of her head , she turned four shades of red and I was sure she was going to try to find a hole to crawl into . The lady beside her begins to choke and cough and this poor girl starts pouring forth with all kinds of apologies . My Mom’s favorite was when she said “ It’s just you have such a small perfectly round little belly , I was sure you must be pregnant “. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry at this point because the poor girl was embarrassed beyond measure , so I went ahead and cried because I was laughing so hard . Of course through her chuckles my Mom tells the girl to stop apologizing that she didn’t feel insulted . She was actually pleased that she looked young enough to be having a baby . Well to make a long story short we all had a good laugh over it before we left and my Mom and I laughed all the way home . A lot of women would have been extremely angry if that had happened to them , some would even have been verbally abusive to that girl . Not my Mom . She found the humor and good in it and ran with it . I treasure that memory of that shopping trip . I try to treasure every moment we spend together . My Mom was diagnosed with MS last year and there are times she can’t walk at all now . Our trips together have dwindled some but if you do see us out in some thrift store someday , come on up and ask her when she is due . I’m sure she would smile and say thanks .
I laughed til I got a bit teary-eyed as I was reading this. The kids were pushing themselves between me and the computer screen saying, "What mama...what is it?" I had the whole scene with your mama playing in my head. I promise to ask her when she's due the next time I see her. Maybe you should warn her that its coming and give her an opportunity to think up something witty so say. She's got enough spunk in her to come up with a pretty funny reply, I'm sure.