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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Monday , Monday :)

Well it's Monday again . Needless to say Mr.Virus has visited my house today :( . Hobbit (my smallest blessing) , Hoopy (my youngest son), and BabyGirl are having some belly trouble . So today will apparently be school free (maybe an educational video will fit in nicely ). That just gives me a moment to catch up here though . We have been doing well so far . We finished our lapbook on energy & electricity and we are working on completing our study on the 13 colonies . I made us some notebooking pages using my Printshop program and the state flower & bird coloring sheets from Kidzone  .

I am a little sad that Christus Gardens in Gatlinburg closed down this weekend . That place is so beautiful . I guess you could call it a Christian wax museum . Checkout the website while it is still up .

We had such a wonderful day at Church yesterday . Sunday School was great . The kids were so eager and ready to participate in class . It just got better with Junior Church (our Children Church) . Everyone was ready to learn and we had such a great time . Our Church had 7 new members join yesterday . We had a wonderful Visitation & Soulwinning Class yesterday afternoon . There was a great turnout and we had a wonderful time . Last night for our evening service the Mission Team to Germany  we helped support gave us a presentation of their trip with an authentic German meal , AWESOME German chocolate :) and a slide presentation . It was awesome the work that Missionaries are doing there and in Romania  with the Romanian Gypsies who are devastatingly poor . Be sure to pray for their efforts .

Well everyone thanks for taking time to visit my small spot in blogworld . I appreciate each and everyone of you . God Bless You and have a great day ! 

Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I didn't know Christus Gardens closed! I guess I'd better check out the website soon. I'll be praying for you all and for a speedy recovery!
