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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We had a great time camping with our family this weekend. My brother came up too so we were able to have a wonderful weekend as a family.We were camping in Cades Cove so we were able to see lots of wildlife . I will post some pictures on my other blog. I have to encourage everyone who can to go to Cades Cove and watch the lightning bugs (fireflies). It was so beautiful ! Let me tell you about it . We drove around the loop about sundown . As we were getting to the backside of the loop deep twilight was falling and the lighting bugs(fireflies) were flashing over the valley and it was awesome. It looked ,like the twinkling lights of a city from a great distance. There were thousands of them . Everyone was pulling over just to watch them. I of course can't find the words to truly describe it so you have to go for yourself. You will love it I promise ! ~ Nikki


  1. MayTheyBeMightyMenJune 18, 2008 at 1:11 AM

    Hi, Nikki. Camping sounds like fun! (Well, unless I think about the sleeping on the ground thing.) :'P

    No button for Titus2Forum yet, I'm not sure how to make one.

  2. I love camping (and fireflies)
