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Friday, August 8, 2008

The Many Hats of Mom Video

I have something very funny to share with you today. Julia at CLM Henhouse posted this video on her blog and I had to share. It is so funny and oh so true !


Wednesday was my 34th birthday. My parents and my brother brought supper over for me.It was nice to have the family with me to share my day. I have more to post later but I gotta run for now. Have a great day! ~ Nikki


  1. Isn't that the truth! I've also seen a breakdown of what a mom would be paid for doing all those jobs. We'd be rich!

    Abiding in the Vine!

  2. And so true!

    Happy late birthday to you!

  3. MayTheyBeMightyMenAugust 9, 2008 at 4:25 PM

    Tooooooo funny! That has to be one of the better skits I've seen. Made my husband laugh, too...though, I'm not sure he should have been laughing. (I'll get back to you on that.) *lol*

  4. That was sooo funny...because it is so true! That is my life...only I'm not as cheery as she was. I did fish sticks and fries Friday night. The kids were happy. The husband was not.
