This is WACKY WEEK here at Blogger Friend School! Everything is wacky fun! This week YOU, the student, get to share something of your choice that is little Wacky!!!
Have you done something crazy in your homeschool? Do you fingerpaint with your toes? Do you let your children do your hair? Do you wear your pajamas during homeschool? Oh, the list is endless, but its up to you and how much fun you want to have.
To make it even wackier (not sure if its really a word, but hey, we dont check spelling this week at BFS either!!! ..try and type some or all of your post sdrawkcab. (backwards!)
!keew gnixaler dna nuf a siht ekaM
( and forwards Make this a fun and relaxing week!)
): !ENOLA NAC TAHT EVAEL ... !!! UOY EVOL !!! YADHTRIB YPPAH ... ypooH yaw eht yB
ikkiN ~ !sgnisselB ~ !yad taerg a evaH .): hcum os dloh ylno nac golb siht tub od ew sgniht ykcaw erom snot era erehT.)emitremmus eht ni neve seY(.tceffe emas eht teg ot sgol erif cirtcele esu ew os rebmevoN etal tuoba lit erif a rof hguone dloc ton sti tpecxe taht tuoba ykcaw gnihtoN .gniog erif yzoc a htiw ecalperif eht yb gnittis krow loohcs ruo od ot evol eW ... uoy rof hguone ykcaw dna driew t'nsi taht lla fI).daer ot evol eW( .skoob snoitnem enoemos yad yreve tniop emos ta esuaceb)FLE morf( skoob eht evol nerdlihc eht htiw reh teg yllausu Ilanosrep ti edam I dna lriGybaB tub syalp ylimaf elohw eht emag a stI.yad eht tuohguorht setouq eivom ta ohw tseb nac ohw ees ot ylurt sruoy dna lriGybaB neewteb raw gniog no eht osla si erehT.semitemos em sloof llits eh dna od I woN .taht od dluoc ypooH wonk t'ndid I esuaceb em ta gnihgual saw enoyreve dna!enola nac taht evael gnilley syawla saw esruoc fo I .flesmih esuma ot dnuos yarps taht ekam ot denrael tsuj eh lleW .pots ot mih gnillet yltnatsnoc saw I dna elttil saw eh nehw renhserf ria yarps ot evol ot desu eH !eil oN .nac losorea na etatimi neve nac ypooH dna)senecs seivom gniod evol yeht(seciov selpoep rehto etatimi nac yehT.seitiliba cimim gnizama evah ohw ,eisooR dna ypooH , oud detnelat ruo ro )wonk ot tnaw t'nod uoy ,ksa t'nod( slaicremofni tcudorp emoh ta YID sih ffo gnikcarc namT sti rehtehW.esuoh ruo dnuora snaidemoc fo ytnelp evah ew ,uoy llet em teL .ti otni romuh emos dda nac uoy fi enoyreve rof retteb yad eht sekam ti tub krow loohcs ruo tuoba suoires era eW !emit eht lla ykcaw era ew woW
Now forward ...
Wow we are wacky all the time! We are serious about our school work but it makes the day better for everyone if you can add some humor into it. Let me tell you, we have plenty of comedians around our house.Whether its Tman cracking off his DIY at home product infomercials (don't ask, you don't want to know) or our talented duo , Hoopy and Roosie, who have amazing mimic abilities.They can imitate other peoples voices(they love doing movies scenes)and Hoopy can even imitate an aerosol can. No lie! He used to love to spray air freshner when he was little and I was constantly telling him to stop. Well he just learned to make that spray sound to amuse himself. I of course was always yelling leave that can alone!and everyone was laughing at me because I didn't know Hoopy could do that. Now I do and he still fools me sometimes.There is also the on going war between BabyGirl and yours truly to see who can best who at movie quotes throughout the day.Its a game the whole family plays but BabyGirl and I made it personalI usually get her with the children love the books (from ELF)because at some point every day someone mentions books. (We love to read.)If all that isn't weird and wacky enough for you ... We love to do our school work sitting by the fireplace with a cozy fire going. Nothing wacky about that except its not cold enough for a fire til about late November so we use electric fire logs to get the same effect.(Yes even in the summertime).There are tons more wacky things we do but this blog can only hold so much :). Have a great day! ~ Blessings! ~ Nikki
By the way Hoopy ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! LOVE YOU !!! ... LEAVE THAT CAN ALONE! :)