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Monday, January 12, 2009

Website of the Week 1-12-2009

I know most of you know about this site already but just in case there is still someone out there lurking in the blog world who doesn't know ~ Homeschool Launch!

This awesome website is a sharing platform for homeschoolers. Do you need a worksheet or lapbook and don't want to make your own ? Don't have the money to purchase one? Or maybe you have made some awesome stuff for your homeschool and you would like to share it? Then head on over to Homeschool Launch and sign up for free. This has been a very helpful website for our homeschool and yes, I have my own page there too. You can check out my neat HSLaunch widget on my right sidebar. Join up and add your printables and you can get a widget for your blog too so your readers can see when you add new stuff.

Enjoy this week's Website and Blessings! ~ Nikki


  1. I have never heard of it. I will check it out some time.

    I hope you are feeling better:)

  2. Always love reading you blog. I have never heard of this resource....heading over to check it out! Thanks!

  3. I am sorry to hear that you are going thru this right now. Two of my brother in laws are as well, and many of our neighbors. It is really a very difficult time all around. May the Lord continue to uplift and protect and care for you and may the doors he opens be even more wonderful and fulfilling than the ones he closed.

    God bless

  4. Hey, so glad you posted this.

    I've never heard of it.

    Thanks & Blessings,

