Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday we helped my parents with their roof. I was way too tired when we got home to blog. Monday night when we got home home I bent over to pick up something and I busted my eardrum.I have had a lot of fluid in my ears and vertigo for several years. Don't know why . I have never had a problem with my eardrum before but I do have a cold now so that may have something to do with it. Anyway I couldn't sleep Monday night because of the severe pain and nausea I was having. Yesterday I felt ok , I just can't hear well out of my left ear (barrel hearing if you know what I mean) but today I have had dizziness every time I stand, look up or close my eyes for a long time. I have had some ringing in the ear too. I didn't feel like making it to church tonight so Toodles took the kids. School is moving along. We are eager to finish our units and math. The weather has been so lovely here that we all want to be outside. As soon as I get new batteries I will post some pictures from our road trip we took earlier this month. My veggie garden is in and growing well. My flowers are blooming and they are lovely. I can't wait to post some pictures. Toodles still hasn't been called back to work but God has never ceased to provide. It is nice having Toodles home so much. Well I'm off to go read some more great posts. If you can remember, pray for me. I read that it could take several weeks for my ear to heal. Thanks and Blessings! ~ Nikki
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