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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Little House Links , Printables and such

Roosie is doing a study on the Little House series. To start off she is reading Little House in the Big Woods (after our break). We will be notebooking and other activities. I thought I would share with you some links where we find our resources. Enjoy!

little house unit study
prairie pages

PDF for Little House In The Big Woods

Hi All

Time has just flown by with all that has been going on at our house. We are only homeschooling 2 days a week now since I am back in school. Roosie is attending our church school part time while I am in class and Hoopy and Tman are attending full time (their wishes). We do math and some other things at home now while the rest of Rossie's work is done at school. We are getting ready to start a Winter nature study and she has a book report (notebooking style) to do. Posts might be infrequent here but I am planning on trying harder to make sure I get all my blogging done more regularly. I do post a little more often on my main blog. Please check back in from time to time here though. You never know when something new might pop up. Blessings! ~ Nikki