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Monday, June 30, 2008

Hey !

Well , VBS is over and I am tired ! We had a great time though. One was saved , Thank You Jesus! There were a few others who were close to the decision so we will continue to pray for them . We ended with fireworks again this year because the kids really loved it last year.It went over well this year too. I will post a picture of the fireworks . I am in the process of making a video so I am sorting through all our VBS photos and I will post those promised pictures soon. I took several hundred through the week.Now it is time for me to concentrate on school for next year.I believe we will relax this week and enjoy the holiday before I get truly started though :)

I found this great post by Angela on THL this morning . She is having a contest to give away one free copy of TOS Planner .I want to win ! I have checked out the preview and it is packed full of neat stuff. Go here to check out what I am talking about. Well have a great day today everyone ! ~ Nikki

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

VBS Midweek & Biology 101

Just a quick note to let everyone know VBS is going great ! Everyone is having a great time . I will post some awesome pictures later in the week. Keep praying , we have new kids come every day. Another local Church donated 3 huge boxes of crafts to our Jr Church that they had left over from their VBS. Toodles and I are so excited !

I heard about this neat giveaway on another blog. There are 3 copies of Biology 101 to be given away. It sounds awesome . I hope I win ! Go on and check it . Biology 101 Giveaway

Friday, June 20, 2008


Gin asked for some details of our VBS . I thought I would post a slide show of some of our decorations. We are doing a HolyLand Adventure from Group publishing. We have used their HLA themes for the last 3 years. We started with Bethlehem Village and last year we did Galilee by the Sea. This year is about the death and resurrection of Christ. The one thing I don't like about it is they don't have their curriculum in KJV which I prefer ( I know others have opinions on it but that is mine and I wont argue about it). That is something that is easy to work around though. The first year we had our Tribes outside in tents but last year we moved inside for Tribe time because of the heat and we will do the same this year.Our Marketplace shops will be outside as will the Gathering which is a time of singing.To decorate the rooms we use brown wrapping paper and an old chipped white board and draw "block' walls with cracks and chips in it . Plus we add a little friendly creature in each room to see if the kids can find it. I don't have pictures yet of the decorated rooms but I will post some later. We are just finishing up with them. Be much in prayer for us that we will see children and parents led to the Lord during VBS. ~ Nikki

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We had a great time camping with our family this weekend. My brother came up too so we were able to have a wonderful weekend as a family.We were camping in Cades Cove so we were able to see lots of wildlife . I will post some pictures on my other blog. I have to encourage everyone who can to go to Cades Cove and watch the lightning bugs (fireflies). It was so beautiful ! Let me tell you about it . We drove around the loop about sundown . As we were getting to the backside of the loop deep twilight was falling and the lighting bugs(fireflies) were flashing over the valley and it was awesome. It looked ,like the twinkling lights of a city from a great distance. There were thousands of them . Everyone was pulling over just to watch them. I of course can't find the words to truly describe it so you have to go for yourself. You will love it I promise ! ~ Nikki

Friday, June 13, 2008


Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know I added the link to the F.R.O.G. Binder printables to the side bar. I have also updated my Women's Ministry website. Yesterday was Toodles' birthday ~ Happy Birthday DH ! The kids are camping with my parents this week and we are going up today . So have a great weekend everyone and I will "see" you next week. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My 100th entry ! Yeah !

Well here it is my 100th entry milestone...and I can't thing of anything to blog about. Sad isn't it? Well actually I do have some things to yap about.First , I changed my template back to 2 columns while BabyGirl works all the kinks out of the other template.She is really good at it so it shouldn't take too long. ThanksPam for the heads up about the viewing problems. Roosie is healing very nicely and Hoopy feels better so thank you for your prayers.I am working on VBS stuff trying to tie up all the loose ends.I created some printables for a FROG Homeschool Binder (Fully Relying On God) for my friend S******. It is going to be a surprise for her .I'm putting all kinds of homeschool stuff in it. This will be her first actual "homeschooling" year.I put the printables on my Yahoo Group plus I will add them to the sidebar and you can download them from in our are we have been hearing the Cicadas(deafening at times)and I have some neat pictures of them we took at my cousins house. We have pictures of them coming out of their exoskeletons.I have been thinking about putting together a unit about them.Well my thoughts are running dry so I'm gonna go for now .I'll probably be back later and add to this post. I have to ! I mean it is my 100th and I have to say something interesting don't I don't I ?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Template Design

Good morning everyone! I hope all is well. My DD TnBabyGirl worked really hard on this 3 column template for me.We are just wandering if it if working properly for everyone.Is anyone having trouble viewing the blog?If so please let me know.I appreciate it ! ~ Nikki

Monday, June 2, 2008

Pray for My Kids Please !

Yesterday evening at church my youngest DD Roosie was biten by some breed of shepherd dog. It was the kind police use for drug dogs. She was bitten several times on the right foot and leg and once she was down the dog bit her on her lower back , scalp and several places around her right ear. They had to close the wounds on her ear but else where she just has bruises and scrapes. Her older brother Hoopy jumped on the dog and drug it down to the ground and elbowed it in the head while my cousin  grabbed my daughter. She is fine other than some "medium" pain and Hoopy has a sore neck because he had to jerk his head out of the way really hard when the dog snapped at him.Roosie has adamantly decided she no longer wishes to have or see a dog. So pray for her that the fear will go away because she does love animals and that she heals well and pray for Hoopy that he will feel better too . Pray for all of us while your at it because it was a pretty traumatic day . Thank you God for taking care of my blessings , all four of them.