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Friday, February 13, 2009

Blog of the Week 2-13-09

This week's blog is
Our Journey Westward
This blog is full of great ideas and resources!
Blessings! ~ Nikki

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Lovely Award

Thanks Sheri for this lovely award ! Sorry it took so long to post it. And of course like I said in my earlier post, I can't just give it to a few . I just couldn't chose a few from so many great friends so once again I am giving it to all of my friends so be sure to take it. Love ya!  Blessings! ~ Nikki

My Awards From Michelle

Thank you Michelle! Sorry it has taken so long to get them posted.

The Fabulous-Coolest Butterfly Blog award comes with a few rules: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs (as you see- I nominated 20!!) which you think are fabulous and cool. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

Of course you all know me, I can't just give a few of my friends an award because all of you are fabulous! So feel free to pick up these awards! Your great and I love ya! Blessings! ~ Nikki

Monday, February 9, 2009

You Should Be Proud

I have posted this weeks website and I am caught up on my BFS assignments.(except for todays). I only need to post my awards later today and I will officially be caught up! Yeah! We still have some punies floating around the house. It seems like this is a hard bug to get rid of. I hope everyone in blog world is doing ok. Our weather has turned spring like and it seems so unfair because noone feels like playing out in the sunshine. We are getting school done in stages. Yesterday we watched three great films about volcanoes so we can finish up our study on earthquakes and volcanoes. Next its ... Biomes of the World. We will also be doing the Great Backyard Bird Count. Well it is time for me to run so take care and God Bless! ~ Nikki

BFS #119 - Be All That You Can Be (US Army)

Memory Verse:

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

(1 John 4:16 KJV)

Intro: Sometime “being all you can be” is a challenge.  We are trying to balance being a godly wife, mother, teacher, keeper of the home,  and much more.  None of us are perfect and we all struggle in our own ways with being able to achieve what we feel needs to get done.

Assignment: This week I thought we could share what great ways we have found to help with all we have to do.  Besides the obvious getting face down in front of God, what have you found that works?  Have you done a great bible study that deals with this area?  Do you have a certain “thing” that  really helps you like a planner or gadget?  Do you have a certain bible verse that just speaks to you and you have it posted so you see it all the time?  Is there a website that is really valuable to you in this area?   What do you do that if someone else found out about it, they could benefit from it?

This is a very simple assignment for me to do. I have said this quite often and it seems to really be what is getting us through this "rough" spot this year.

Psalms 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God:

We have truly been able to be still and see Him work. Since Toodles has been layed off God has supplied for us by giving Toodles little side jobs to make a little extra . This verse has also helped me during the stressful times I have faced as a wife and mother. Planning and orginazation are great and I too often get great help from multiple resources but I am thankful that I know my greatest resource is God. Blessings! ~ Nikki

Assignment #118 - All You Add Is Love (Purina Dog Chow)

Memory Verse: Intro: This week we continue with shaking things up a bit.  Children are often so pure in what they say.  There is no sugar coating it, they just say it as they see it.  Their thoughts can make us laugh, touch our hearts and open our eyes.

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

(Psalms 127:3 KJV)

Assignment: This week are going to do an “Interview With Mom”  and post it to your blog.  There are a list of questions below to interview your children with.  Feel free to add your own questions or remove any question you don’t want to use.  You will then ask your children the questions and post the answers that they give you.


BabyGirl- "I love you, BabyGirl." or "Whatcha doing?"

Tman- "Pull your pants up."

Hoopy- "I love you."

Roosie- "I love you."


BabyGirl- God, being with her family, when I do something that makes her happy, seeing/reading something funny.

Tman- When I do not sass her.

Hoopy- Being with her family.

Roosie- When I smile.


BabyGirl- When we are sad.

Tman- When she forgets to buy toilet paper.

Hoopy- Pain.

Roosie- When somebody lies to her.


BabyGirl- When she does or tells me something funny, makes up new words, and when she quotes movies/books.

Tman- Sends me stupid text messages.

Hoopy- She tickles me.

Roosie- Different stuff.


BabyGirl- 34

Tman- So old that when I told her to act her age, she died.

Hoopy- 33

Roosie- 34


BabyGirl- (Taller than me.) :-) 5'8"

Tman- By tall, do you mean short?

Hoopy- 5'3"

Roosie- 5' something


BabyGirl- Watch/feed birds, work in her garden, take pictures, read, and write.

Tman- Yell at us.

Hoopy- Bird-watching.

Roosie- Take pictures.


BabyGirl- Teach us, care for us. Being our Mommy.

Tman- To make us behave.

Hoopy- Take care of us.

Roosie- Do the dishes, clean the house, fix supper.


BabyGirl- Probably her homemade chili, or maybe cheesecake.

Tman- anything that is cooked.

Hoopy- Chili.

Roosie- Homemade chili.


BabyGirl- She tells me that she loves me, she is there for me when I need her (even if I think that I don't), and she shows that she loves me in the things that she does.

Tman- She bought me a cell phone, a DS, and she doesn't wake us up with cold water in the morning.

Hoopy- So many ways...

Roosie- Just have a feeling in my heart.

Well I should go . I need to yell at Tman to pull his pants up . Just kidding! I do tell him very often that I love him just so everyone knows . Blessings! ~ Nikki

Website of the Week 2-8-09

This week's website is

Great Backyard Bird Count

Be sure to join in this year. Blessings! ~ Nikki

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm So Far Behind ...

I thought I was in 1st place! What a time we have had! Everyone has been sick, again! What's up with that? It kinda feels like the flu but not quite. We have been sneezing,coughing,aching and mildly whining. Ok, majorly whining. Then to top it off .. I cracked my big toe! Can you say ouch? I must admitt it raised my whining level last night. I know you all want the wildly hilarious details of how it happened but you my friends are out of luck. There was nothing interesting about it. Just a wayward cabinet door finding its way to the floor ... via my toe. ( I added a little poetry there for you. Did that help add any interest?) Anyway, between doctors visits and downing antibiotics and cold medicine my blog posting has gone by the wayside. (And I had such high hopes for this year :( ) I have two BFS assignments to catch up on and two Websites of the Week and three Blog of the Week posts to do. Plus I have been given some pretty awesome awards by my bloggy friends and I need to get those posted and passed on. Be patient...I will get everything posted right after I finish this one. Have a great day! ~ Blessings! ~ Nikki

By the way, I will leave this at the top of the blog so everyone can get the 411 on why I have been missing from HSB . You know, in case anyone missed me. (whine... pitiful look...whine)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Blog of the Week for 1-23, 1-30 & 2-6-09

These are some great blogs with wonderful resources and writings. Enjoy!

Albright News : This link takes you straight to her lapbooking category which is full of FREE stuff but be sure to check out the entire blog.

Journey Home : Michelle has recently moved to Joyful Journey . Her HSB blog has some great links on it, interesting reviews and some real good open hearted writing on it.

Pat's Place : I first met Pat on CLM and she is a wonderful person. She is celebrating her "blogaversary". Be sure to drop in and say hi and look around her blog. It is a treasure!

~ Blessings! ~ Nikki

Website of the Week 1-25 -09 & 2-1-09

Ok , today is catch up  day (and me with no fries). Ok sorry that was a bad joke but I need a laugh wherever I can get it. Here are the Websites of the Week for the last two weeks.

WP Clipart :  Public Domain clipart to use for your projects. I love it! They have tons of stuff.

Teachers Printables : They have some great free stuff. Lapbookers and notebookers be sure to check out the research/organization page for some great flipbooks and mini books. The research packs are pretty neat too.

Enjoy! Blessings! ~ Nikki