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Sunday, October 28, 2007


Good morning everyone ! . I hope everyone is having a great Sunday morning . My oldest DS and youngest DD are sick this weekend with another viral bug . High fever and the yuckies - YUCK ! Well it is that time of year I guess . I have a question for all you homeschool Mommas out there . When I was in school we used to gather leaves and press them between wax paper with an iron but I read recently that someone used laminating paper too . My question is , What method have you used and which one do you think works best ? I plan on doing this with the kids this week when everyone feels better . Thanks for the input . Don't forget to join the Autumn Poetry Party I'm hosting .


  1. My kids are sick with a bug too and it is so sad to see them hurting. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am enjoying reading yours.


  2. Yes 'tis the season. I'm holding a little one right now with a fever. Hoping it passes soon. If not, we'll make the dreaded trip to the doctor. Hope yours are feeling better by now!

  3. Sounds like everyone is going through the flu buggie. I hope it doesn't come by my house. < Fingers crossed while knocking on wood. >

    Take care and stay warm. These nights are getting colder.
