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Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day! Join Me In Honoring Our Veterans!


I just wanted to take the time today to say "Thank You " to all of our wonderful Veterans. It seems we get so caught up in the politics of war today that we forget about the people who are in its midst. Our spiritual freedom came at the cost of Jesus' life. Free for us but not for Him. Our physical freedom is the same. To us it may seem free, our American right, but this freedom costs someone,our military and their families. Thank you Veterans for the sacrifices that you have endured for the sake of America. You will not be forgotten.God Bless You Veterans!

I would like to say a special thank you to my Veteran, Toodles. He is a War Veteran ( Desert Storm). Serving his country was a childhood dream that he was able to fulfill in the United States Navy. He is a proud American who still honors his Military brothers , past and present. His service in the Navy cost him his hearing. He now must use hearing aids to hear clearly but it is a sacrifice he deemed worthy. Thank You Papa! I'm proud of you and I love you!Blessings! ~ Momma



 Do you have a Veteran you would like to honor? Write your post and add your url to Mr. Linky.

1 comment:

  1. Nikki,

    Thanks for the feedback on my poem that I created with love and honor for the sacrifices these men have made.


